Oneness - The Inner Web - ANNULLATO
Con Suzanne Faith
Venerdì 8 maggio 2020 dalle 18:00 alle 20:30 - In inglese
Our inner body is a unified and woven network of dynamic lines of communication. Our muscles, fascia, tendons and ligaments form a 3-dimensional web of connectivity which help regulate and protect our bones, organs, circulation, sensory nerves, spinal cord, brain and more. There is an internal oneness that guides our movement and allows us to have an inner-vision. Suzanne will invite students to link the physical and subtle bodies through a variety of asana and pranayama techniques. Explore a variety of practices to cultivate strength and flexibility in the joints, including arm balances, inversions and hip-opening. Traverse the inner landscapes through restorative postures. Celebrate the oneness of the heart with meditation. All levels welcome.
Il nostro corpo interno è una rete unificata e tessuta di linee di comunicazione dinamiche. I nostri muscoli, fasce, tendini e legamenti formano una rete tridimensionale di connettività che aiuta a regolare e proteggere le ossa, gli organi, la circolazione, i nervi sensoriali, il midollo spinale, il cervello e molto altro ancora. C'è un'unità interna che guida il nostro movimento e ci permette di avere una visione introspettiva. Suzanne inviterà gli studenti a collegare i corpi fisici e sottili attraverso una varietà di asana e tecniche di pranayama. Esplorerà una varietà di pratiche per coltivare la forza e la flessibilità delle articolazioni, compresi gli equilibri sulle braccia, le inversioni e l'apertura dell'anca. Celebrarà l'unicità del cuore con la meditazione. La pratica è aperta a tutti i livelli!
Contributo: 50.-
Suzanne is a Certified Anusara Teacher. Suzanne’s teachings encourage students to dissolve barriers and move through an intelligent practice in order to restore and evolve on all levels. Suzanne’s instruction is woven to attune to modern duty yet anchored in ancient teachings. She is deeply passionate about exploring our internal capacities to heal and grow.Suzanne has spent over three decades deeply immersed into the teachings of yoga, including within the Iyengar and Ashtanga lineages. Suzanne has worked therapeutically in conventional medical systems, integrative health clinics and privately with various populations, including for addictions, cancer and professional athletes.
Suzanne is Co-Founder of One Yoga studio in Vancouver, Canada, and holds a doctorate within Psychology. Suzanne is a CATT (Certified Advanced Teacher Trainer) and Certification Assessor & Mentor for Anusara. Suzanne supports the curriculum team with development of new programs and conducts her own Anusara 200hr, 300hr and Bridge Course programs. She conducts Yoga Alliance/Yoga Professional Trainings, teacher mentorship programs, international retreats, conferences, festivals & workshops. She is a primary faculty member for Yoga Therapy International and Founder of The SARA Foundation, a charity organization aimed at yoga for cancer prevention & management. Suzanne lives in Ibiza, Spain with her husband and three children. Learn more about Suzanne at