Masterclass con Nico Luce
Venerdì 11 febbraio dalle 18.30 alle 20.30
"The soft overcomes the hard,
The slow overcomes the fast."
In this two hour class learn how to refine your yoga practice both on and off the mat by incorporating Taoist principles, breathing techniques and strong yet fluid transitions that inevitably will lead into a state of inner stillness.
The asana portion of the class will be Vinyasa style and we'll finish with seated meditation.
Join Nico Luce on the path to greater awareness, true strength and deep inner peace!
Nico Luce has been teaching yoga since 2003 and has trained in various lineages such as Power Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Anusara, Yin and Pilates. He is also a devoted student of philosophy and spirituality which he weaves into the physical practice to create a profound transformational experience. Bringing meaning to the practice and attention to refined bio-mechanics are at the heart of his teachings. Nico and his family live in Switzerland from where he travels internationally teaching workshops, retreats and Teacher Trainings and regularly produces instructional videos for GAIA.
For more information on Nico please visit his website:
Contributo CHF 42.-
Porta il tuo mat!
La masterclass sarà in inglese, è aperta a tutti i praticanti dello yoga.
Vi informiamo che in occasione di questa masterclass lo Studio Laterale ospiterà fino a 24 tappetini.